Loving Kindness Meditation
Loving Kindness Meditation
Loving Kindness Meditation is a rhythmic practice that nurtures kindness toward yourself and others. Rooted in Buddhist tradition, it has been shown to ease feelings of depression and anxiety while strengthening positive connections with yourself, others, and the world. For me, this practice is always meaningful—perhaps now more than ever.
The meditation has many variations, but they all follow a similar flow: intentional mantras directed first toward yourself, then a loved one, then someone who challenges you, and finally, all beings.
How to Practice Loving Kindness Meditation
1. Find a Quiet Place
This could be sitting, walking, or lying in bed. Set an intention for your practice.
2. Breathe with Ease
Inhale, exhale. Receive, release. Fill, let go.
3. Begin
Focus on Yourself
Visualize warmth and love directed toward yourself, like the joy you feel when seeing a beloved pet or person. Channel this love toward your own beautiful self.
May I be safe
May I be happy
May I be healthy
May I live with ease and peace
May my heart be filled with love and kindness
Repeat slowly and notice any sensations or feelings that arise.
Focus on a Loved One
Visualize loving kindness toward someone you deeply care for or who supports you.
May you be safe
May you be happy
May you be healthy
May you live with ease and peace
May your heart be filled with love and kindness
Repeat, noticing how it feels to extend love outward.
Focus on Another
Visualize someone with whom you have difficulty. Start with someone who brings mild irritation rather than significant pain.
May you be safe
May you be happy
May you be healthy
May you live with ease and peace
May your heart be filled with love and kindness
Repeat and observe your feelings as you practice compassion for them.
Focus on All Beings
Visualize your community, the world, neighbors, colleagues, family, and yourself as part of this collective.
May we be safe
May we be happy
May we be healthy
May we live with ease and peace
May our hearts be filled with love and kindness
Repeat and notice the sensations that arise. Sit with them, breathe, release, and transition gently to what’s next.
Breathe. Recite. Repeat. Get Curious.
A Note on Practice
Meditation is not about perfection or a destination. Be kind to yourself and explore how Loving Kindness Meditation can serve you. Even two minutes can make a meaningful difference in your well-being.
Sending YOU loving kindness right now, wherever you are, in whatever is happening in your inner and outer worlds.
All my best,
❤️ Molly
P.S. Curious about coaching? I love hearing from you, whether an email, text or scheduling a free discovery session. Let’s connect!
Hi there!
I’m Molly Knutson-Keller, a life-long learner, meaning-maker and joy-creator. And I can’t wait to meet you.
Professional Life Coach, Certified Enneagram Coach & Teacher, Somatic Practitioner, ELCA Pastor
““When I first met Molly I was instantly drawn to her warmth and genuine nature. Through her guidance I have been able to achieve a long time goal. She helps me develop clarity when I am stuck and focus on actionable steps to move forward. I am truly blessed to have her on my team. I highly recommend her as a guide in your journey!”
**This meditation practice is rooted in the ancient Buddhist tradition of metta (loving-kindness) meditation, which has been passed down through generations as a way to cultivate compassion and connection.
I have learned and been inspired by the teachings of Sharon Salzberg and Jack Kornfield and in exploring and sharing this practice.