Clergy Coaching

A Confidential Space just for You!

Are You a Pastor or Deacon?

Being a pastor or a deacon is a strange gig. It can be a gift, a privilege and a calling. But it can also be challenging, exhausting, and hard.
I understand the complexities of your vocation and I am here to support you.

Do Any of These Sound Familiar?

  • You want to understand yourself and your people better?

  • You are questioning your call and vocation?

  • You wrestle with your own faith?

  • You wish for someone who gets it, who understands all you do. 

Feeling the Weight of Responsibility?

  • Lonely, worried, or overwhelmed?

  • Annoyed, short-tempered, or skeptical?

  • On the verge of burnout?

I’ve been there, and I promise, you don’t have to do this alone.

What is Clergy Coaching?

Clergy Coaching provides a safe space to process, heal, and re-energize.  I see you.  I am you. And I’m here to support you!

1:1 Clergy Coaching Includes:

  • Confidentiality: A 100% confidential space just for you.

  • Personalized Support: Tailored to your individual needs and goals.

  • Deep Listening: I listen deeply.

With my extensive experience in ministry, I understand the unique challenges you face.  You won’t need to explain the context and depth of your role – I get it.

Benefits of Clergy Coaching:

  • Gain clarity, confidence, and hope.

  • Develop strategies for well-being and joy.

  • Focus intentionally on your life’s story.

Curious about how Clergy Coaching can help you? Schedule a free Discovery Call today and let’s see how we can support you on your journey.

Here Are Some Topics We Can Explore Together:

  • Getting Unstuck

    Feeling trapped in a cycle of stagnation? Clergy Coaching can help you recognize and understand the patterns holding you back, providing the tools needed for growth and transformation.

  • Developing Your Strengths

    Identify and harness your strengths and gifts, both personally and professionally. Using the Enneagram, we’ll create strategies for flourishing and fulfillment in all aspects of your life.

  • Recognizing Blind Spots

    Blind spots can hinder progress. Together, we’ll use the Enneagram to identify and address these hidden areas, fostering self-awareness and growth.

  • Understanding Your Enneagram Type

    Gain deeper insights into your motivations, strengths, and blind spots by exploring your Enneagram type. This understanding will enhance your self-awareness and interactions with others.

  • Family and Relationship Dynamics

    Ministry impacts not just you, but also your family. Clergy Coaching provides a safe space to prioritize and explore these important relationships.

  • Coping with Stress

    Clergy Coaching offers guidance to help you understand and reduce stress and anxiety. Learn to identify triggers and discover new ways to engage from a grounded perspective.

  • Clarity for Transitions

    Change is constant, but some transitions are particularly challenging. Clergy Coaching supports you through these times, offering healing, hope, and strategies for moving forward.

  • Strengthening Relationships

    Build deeper connections with yourself and others. By understanding what drives your behaviors and why, you’ll find the key to breaking free from limitations. The Enneagram system provides valuable insights for your personal growth and ministry dynamics.

Embrace a Future Filled with Purpose, Possibility, and JOY!

Whether you're navigating transitions, seeking clarity, or striving for personal evolution, Clergy Coaching provides the tools, insights, and support to help you break free and thrive. Schedule your free Discovery Call today and take the first step towards a more fulfilling life.

A person sitting at a desk & writing in a book

Curious, but not sure where to start?

Schedule a free 30-minute Discovery Call. This is not a coaching session and there’s no obligation. It’s simply a chance for us to see how we can work together in a way that serves you best. Finding a good match is essential. Click the button below to schedule your call and let’s see if we have good chemistry!

  • 1-on-1 Clergy Coaching is a collaborative process between you and me. Together, we'll process your experiences and identify your goals, using the Enneagram as a road map for inner awareness. This journey of self-discovery will accelerate your personal growth and transformation, providing you with real tools and strategies to achieve lasting change.

  • After our initial Discovery Call or Enneagram Discover-Your-Type Session, we'll schedule our 60-minute sessions. You can choose the format that works best for you:

    - Virtual Sessions: Convenient and accessible from anywhere, even overseas.

    - In-Person Sessions: Held at my cozy office in Olympia.

    - Walk and Talk Sessions: Outdoor coaching that connects mind, body, and heart with movement.

    During each 60-minute session, you'll have a safe, confidential space to explore what's on your mind. We'll start with a check-in and an intentional moment to see what surfaces. Even if you think you have nothing to talk about, there's always something within you waiting to be discovered. I'll use various coaching methods to help you tap into your inner wisdom and experience.

*Did you know your HSA or FSA accounts include coaching? Simply use your healthcare debit card to pay for coaching services. Also, many governing bodies (synod, diocese) offer grants and wellness money to support your coaching, so contact them directly to see what’s possible.

Molly sitting down in her office before a clergy session

About Molly

Hi, I’m Molly. 

And I truly want to support you. Just you, for you. You’re in a unique position as a clergy person or a deacon. And it can be a lot. I get it.

Along with coaching, I’ve been a pastor (ELCA) for over 25 years, working in a variety of settings, including parish ministry, and college, hospital and prison chaplaincy positions. I know first hand the delicate dance of logistics and life together. Balancing the demands of ministry, the expectations (known and unknown), family life, friendships, and faith is complex. That’s why I believe so strongly in the importance of having a trusted sounding board.  Find out more about me here. 

  • “Molly has become a partner with me in a journey of deep learning and profound care. As a pastor, she knows the walk. She creates a welcoming space of empathy, deep wisdom and abiding grace for all those seeking healing and hope. Her knowledge of the Enneagram adds personal depth to every conversation. In Molly’s company, I can be fully myself with all my scars and joys. She is a rare expression of God’s grace. I leave her company with wisdom for today, and hope for tomorrow.”

    Pastor Laura Ziehl, Bethlehem, Encinitas, CA

  • “Molly is a gem! We’ve had the pleasure of experiencing Molly’s leadership for three Enneagram events (two congregation-wide workshops and one staff training). She is a superb leader and really knows her stuff. Molly engages her “audience” in stimulating, inviting, and interactive ways. She reads people well, listens well, and responds well to people’s questions and insights, making them want to engage all-the-more fully. Recently as the event organizer, I got to see how Molly works behind the scenes: I saw firsthand Molly’s heart for the people she serves, her commitment to keep on learning, and her dedication to offer folks the very best. After the event, I saw Molly’s pastoral attention to people one-on-one, and her willingness to follow up with folks.”

    ~ Pastor Mark Gravrock, St Mark’s, Tacoma ~

  • “Molly is a wise, accepting and compassionate guide who listens thoroughly to support exploring varied perspectives and paths with her deep coaching. She offers a rare combination of professional and personal experience, including ministry, Enneagram, and other spiritually and psychologically grounded disciplines. She offers both support and challenge to integrate body, heart and head awareness with care and discernment. I am grateful to connect with her by videoconference, which I have found surprisingly effective.”

    ~ J.D. - Pastor/Clergy ~

A woman sitting with her arms out enjoying the nature around her

Your Path to Self-Awareness with the Joy FLOW Process

Are you ready to begin a journey of profound personal growth and self-discovery? My free download, "The Joy FLOW Process," is designed to help you tune into your inner world with curiosity and compassion. This simple yet powerful guide, represented by the acronym Focus, Listen, Observe, Wonder, provides a framework for grounding, self-awareness, and presence that you can use anytime, anywhere.

Benefits of the Joy FLOW Process:

  1. Enhanced Self-Awareness:
    Learn to understand your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations more deeply, fostering greater self-awareness and insight into your true self.

  2. Improved Emotional Well-Being:
    By tuning into your inner world with compassion, you can reduce stress, manage anxiety, and cultivate a sense of inner peace and emotional balance.

  3. Practical Mindfulness Techniques:
    Incorporate simple, effective mindfulness practices into your daily routine, helping you stay present, grounded, and connected to your body, mind, and heart.

Download your FREE “Joy FLOW Process" guided now and begin the journey of self-discovery and ease.