About Molly

A Journey of Self-Discovery Together!

Clarity and Support for Your Personal Growth Journey.

Are you feeling stuck or overwhelmed?

Maybe relationships have become challenging, or you're facing significant changes like career shifts, health issues, or grief.

You long for clarity and inner peace and need a trusted sounding board, someone to help you navigate your thoughts, feelings and situations.

You’re ready to invest in your personal growth and holistic well-being, but you need a compassionate confidant to walk this path with you. Afterall, we all need a little help along the way. You’re not alone.

Let’s do this together.

Molly Knutson-Keller standing outside smiling at the camera

I’m Molly, and I’m so glad you are here.

Life can be a lot. Complex and layered, and I get it. There have definitely been times when things have been overwhelming in my personal life. Professionally, navigating dynamics, decision-making and all that comes with work, well, I get that, too. Beautiful and messy, all at the same time. 

As an Enneagram and Life Coach, I specialize in guiding individuals through life's profound and subtle questions. I offer an open heart, a safe, sacred space, and a compassionate ear, supporting you in creating paths toward inner peace and healing. My approach includes honest and direct conversations tailored to your unique journey. I meet you wherever you're at—just show up, and our organic, intentional process unfolds. Personally, I've experienced firsthand the profound impact of self-discovery and the joy and freedom it brings! I bring this understanding to our partnership, where together, we'll cultivate joy and purpose by connecting mind, body, heart, and spirit.

Ready for Self-Discovery and Strengthened Relationships?

Find clarity and peace through coaching.  Experience the freedom of continuous self-discovery. Let’s get connected and help you live your best life.

Education & Experience

  • Certified Enneagram Coach and Teacher, CP Enneagram Academy

  • Certified Presence-based, Somatic & Enneagram Coach, The Deep Coaching Institute

  • Certified Life Coach; Certified Life Coach Institute

  • Parish Pastor, Olympia; College Campus Pastor, SDSU San Diego

  • Prison Chaplain, Hospital Chaplain - San Francisco, CA

  • MDiv - Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley, CA

  • B.A. Liberal Arts - California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA

Image of logo for Chestnut Pie Enneagram Academy
mage of a logo for Professional Coaching
Molly holding her small dog in the garden in Washington

Some fun facts about me:

Favorite Place: Anywhere surrounded by trees, sunshine, and water.

Favorite People: Almost everyone I meet, especially my spouse, children, and three dogs!

Commitment to Learning: I am dedicated to lifelong learning, a value instilled in me by my mom who celebrated every birthday by saying, "No matter how old I get, I'm always in process!"

Practicing Practitioner: I call myself a practicing practitioner—yes, it sounds redundant, but like you, I am committed to continuous inner work and personal growth.

  • “Molly has become a partner with me in a journey of deep learning and profound care. She creates a welcoming space of empathy, deep wisdom and abiding grace for all those seeking healing and hope. Her knowledge of the Enneagram adds personal depth to every conversation. In Molly’s company, I can be fully myself with all my scars and joys. She is a rare expression of God’s grace. I leave her company with wisdom for today, and hope for tomorrow.“

    Pastor Laura Ziehl

  • “When I first met Molly I was instantly drawn to her warmth and genuine nature. Through her guidance I have been able to achieve a long time goal. She helps me develop clarity when I am stuck and focus on actionable steps to move forward. I am truly blessed to have her on my team. I highly recommend her as a guide in your journey!”

    ~ T.T. - Therapist ~

  • “Molly created and provided our team with a thoughtful and powerful training on how to handle challenging conversations with clients who are experience grief and life crises. It was timely to discuss perceptions about grief, roll play, practice active listening, receive helpful phrases to make those tough conversations not feel so awkward. While the three-part training was structured, we had room to adjust and spend more time on certain points that warranted more attention. The team walked away with new skills and resources to allow us to better help our clients.”

    ~ Alycia Harshfield, Executive Director California Restaurant Foundation ~

  • “I look forward to my time with Molly each week - it's a time for reflection, guidance and insight. Working with Molly has helped me embrace my life and be grounded. She provides a safe space of guidance and comfort.”

    ~ Allison Barker ~

  • “Life is good and I feel like me again! My time with Molly allowed me to sift through life's challenges, literally, one step at a time. After each walk, I felt such a sense of emotional release, validation, and hope. She helped me see my situation differently and tackle challenges more sensibly. My dog also loved the variety of trails we walked! Thanks to my time with Molly, I feel more positive, empowered, and confident.”

    ~ M.G. - Entrepreneur, Organizer ~

  • “Molly is a wise, accepting and compassionate guide who listens thoroughly to support exploring varied perspectives and paths with her deep coaching. She offers a rare combination of professional and personal experience, including ministry, Enneagram, and other spiritually and psychologically grounded disciplines. She offers both support and challenge to integrate body, heart and head awareness with care and discernment. I am grateful to connect with her by videoconference, which I have found surprisingly effective.”

    ~ J.D. - Pastor/Clergy ~

  • “Walking with Molly for the last couple of years has been vital for my mental and spiritual health. Every time we walk, I leave feeling stronger while being more at peace with myself and with the world.”

    ~ B.A. - Small Business Owner ~

A woman sitting with her arms out enjoying the nature around her

Your Path to Self-Awareness with the Joy FLOW Process

Are you ready to begin a journey of profound personal growth and self-discovery? My free download, "The Joy FLOW Process," is designed to help you tune into your inner world with curiosity and compassion. This simple yet powerful guide, represented by the acronym Focus, Listen, Observe, Wonder, provides a framework for grounding, self-awareness, and presence that you can use anytime, anywhere.

Benefits of the Joy FLOW Process:

  1. Enhanced Self-Awareness:
    Learn to understand your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations more deeply, fostering greater self-awareness and insight into your true self.

  2. Improved Emotional Well-Being:
    By tuning into your inner world with compassion, you can reduce stress, manage anxiety, and cultivate a sense of inner peace and emotional balance.

  3. Practical Mindfulness Techniques:
    Incorporate simple, effective mindfulness practices into your daily routine, helping you stay present, grounded, and connected to your body, mind, and heart.

Download your FREE “Joy FLOW Process" guided now and begin the journey of self-discovery and ease.