Life Coaching

A Safe Space for YOUR
Personal Growth and Transformation

Do You Need A Life Coach?

If you've landed on this page, chances are the answer is, "Yes!"

Who doesn't need a little boost now and then to reclaim their power? If you're feeling stuck, like you're just "going through the motions," and need clarity, you've come to the right place.

Sound Familiar?

  • You're struggling with self-awareness, making it hard to find your purpose, move forward, and achieve your goals.

  • You're ready to grow and get "unstuck" but don't know where to start, and even small steps towards growth feel impossible.

  • You need more support in your life and someone who understands you without judgment.

  • You have dreams and goals but struggle with holding yourself accountable.

  • You know there is more to this life. You can feel that you're not living your best life and are ready for that to change.

Why 1-on-1 Coaching?

1-on-1 Life Coaching offers a 100% confidential space for self-discovery and accelerated growth. It's dedicated time just for YOU, with someone who will listen deeply and explore with you without judgment. Don’t we all need more of that in our lives?

I provide a personalized coaching experience tailored to your unique needs and goals. Gain clarity and confidence as we focus on you and your life’s story.

Do you want the gift of clarity, inner peace, and motivation to be the best version of yourself and live your best life?

Click the button below to schedule a no-obligation free Discovery Call and let's see how I can help you.

Here Are Some Topics We Can Explore Together:

And yet, please know this: All you need to do is show up. I promise, the conversation will naturally unfold, weaving together the threads of your life, offering space to process and find direction.

  • Getting Unstuck

    Feeling trapped in a cycle of stagnation? Life Coaching can empower you to understand and overcome the patterns holding you back, providing tools to navigate challenges and unlock transformation.

  • Understanding Your Enneagram Type

    Dive deep into your Enneagram type to understand your motivations, strengths, and blind spots, enhancing your self-awareness and how you relate to the world.

  • Transitions

    Change is constant, but some transitions are particularly challenging. Whether it's a career change, retirement, or personal loss, Life Coaching provides healing, hope, and strategies for moving forward.

  • Coping with Stress

    Learn to identify stress triggers and discover new ways to manage anxiety. Life Coaching offers guidance to help you engage from a more grounded perspective.

  • Intentional Conversations Around Aging

    Explore both practical and existential aspects of aging, from living arrangements to end-of-life wishes. Gain support navigating these transitions with joy and intention.

  • Strengthening Relationships

    Build deeper connections with yourself and others. By understanding the drivers behind your behaviors, you'll unlock the potential for growth and transformation. The Enneagram adds valuable insight to this journey.

Embrace a Future Filled with Purpose, Possibility, and JOY!

Whether you're navigating transitions, seeking clarity, or striving for personal evolution, a Life Coach provides the tools, insights, and support to help you break free and thrive.

Molly sitting on a chair smiling wearing green

Curious, but not sure where to start?

Schedule a free 30-minute Discovery Call. This is not a coaching session and there’s no obligation. It’s simply a chance for us to see how we can work together in a way that serves you best. Finding a good match is essential. Click the button below to schedule your call and let’s see if we have good chemistry!

  • 1-on-1 Life Coaching is a collaborative process between you and me. Together, we'll process your experiences and identify your goals, using the Enneagram as a road map for inner awareness. This journey of self-discovery will accelerate your personal growth and transformation, providing you with real tools and strategies to achieve lasting change.

  • After our initial Discovery Call we'll schedule our 60-minute sessions. You can choose the format that works best for you:

    - Virtual Sessions: Convenient and accessible from anywhere, even overseas.

    - In-Person Sessions: Held at my cozy office in Olympia.

    - Walk and Talk Sessions: Outdoor coaching that connects mind, body, and heart with movement.

    During each 60-minute session, you'll have a safe, confidential space to explore what's on your mind. We'll start with a check-in and an intentional moment to see what surfaces. Even if you think you have nothing to talk about, there's always something within you waiting to be discovered. I'll use various coaching methods to help you tap into your inner wisdom and experience.

Cultivate Joy, Connection and Purpose with 1:1 Life Coaching

Cultivate Joy, Connection and Purpose with 1:1 Life Coaching

“Let’s discover who you were before the world told you who to be.”

C. Bukowski

What Are the Benefits of Working with a Life Coach?

  • Life Coaching provides a profound way to increase self-awareness through deep listening, powerful questioning, and a compassionate, safe environment. The Enneagram is a valuable tool for self-discovery. By understanding your Enneagram type, you'll gain insights into your core motivations, strengths, and blind spots. With this knowledge, you'll have more freedom to make better decisions and live a more fulfilling life.

  • Life Coaching helps you enhance your communication skills. You'll gain self-compassion and develop deeper empathy for others. By understanding different perspectives, you can communicate more effectively in both personal and professional relationships.

  • Developing greater emotional intelligence is another benefit of Life Coaching. By understanding and managing your emotions effectively, you can reduce stress and anxiety, leading to a more balanced life. Accessing all three centers—mind, body, and emotions—provides alignment and harmony.

  • Life Coaching helps you set healthy boundaries. By knowing yourself and your limits, you can learn to say no to things that don't serve you. This results in less stress and conflict, promoting healing and overall well-being.

  • Life Coaching can lead to more fulfilling relationships. Using the Enneagram system, you'll understand yourself and others better, fostering deeper trust and intimacy. This can lead to greater happiness and satisfaction in your personal connections.

Ready to Transform Your Life?

Schedule a free, no-obligation Discovery Call today! Let’s explore how personalized Life Coaching can help you achieve your goals, find clarity and live your best life now.

  • “When I first met Molly I was instantly drawn to her warmth and genuine nature. Through her guidance I have been able to achieve a long time goal. She helps me develop clarity when I am stuck and focus on actionable steps to move forward. I am truly blessed to have her on my team. I highly recommend her as a guide in your journey!”

    ~ T.T. - Therapist ~

  • “I look forward to my time with Molly each week - it's a time for reflection, guidance and insight. Working with Molly has helped me embrace my life and be grounded. She provides a safe space of guidance and comfort.”

    ~ Allison Barker ~

  • “Life is good and I feel like me again! My time with Molly allowed me to sift through life's challenges, literally, one step at a time. After each walk, I felt such a sense of emotional release, validation, and hope. She helped me see my situation differently and tackle challenges more sensibly. My dog also loved the variety of trails we walked! Thanks to my time with Molly, I feel more positive, empowered, and confident.”

    ~ M.G. - Entrepreneur, Organizer ~

  • “Molly is a wise, accepting and compassionate guide who listens thoroughly to support exploring varied perspectives and paths with her deep coaching. She offers a rare combination of professional and personal experience, including ministry, Enneagram, and other spiritually and psychologically grounded disciplines. She offers both support and challenge to integrate body, heart and head awareness with care and discernment. I am grateful to connect with her by videoconference, which I have found surprisingly effective.”

    ~ J.D. - Pastor/Clergy ~

  • “Walking with Molly for the last couple of years has been vital for my mental and spiritual health. Every time we walk, I leave feeling stronger while being more at peace with myself and with the world.”

    ~ Local Business Owner ~

A woman sitting with her arms out enjoying the nature around her

Your Path to Self-Awareness with the Joy FLOW Process

Are you ready to begin a journey of profound personal growth and self-discovery? My free download, "The Joy FLOW Process," is designed to help you tune into your inner world with curiosity and compassion. This simple yet powerful guide, represented by the acronym Focus, Listen, Observe, Wonder, provides a framework for grounding, self-awareness, and presence that you can use anytime, anywhere.

Benefits of the Joy FLOW Process:

  1. Enhanced Self-Awareness:
    Learn to understand your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations more deeply, fostering greater self-awareness and insight into your true self.

  2. Improved Emotional Well-Being:
    By tuning into your inner world with compassion, you can reduce stress, manage anxiety, and cultivate a sense of inner peace and emotional balance.

  3. Practical Mindfulness Techniques:
    Incorporate simple, effective mindfulness practices into your daily routine, helping you stay present, grounded, and connected to your body, mind, and heart.

Download your FREE “Joy FLOW Process" guided now and begin the journey of self-discovery and ease.